Language Services Purchase Order

Language Services Purchase Order | Standard Terms & Conditions

Standard Terms & Conditions

By accepting any purchase order (hereinafter the “P.O.”) from INVISIBLE Translation Inc. (hereinafter “INVISIBLE”), you agree to:

  1. Supply high-quality deliverables
  2. Abide by the terms of INVISIBLE’s Independent Contractor Agreement (hereinafter the “ICA”)
  3. Accept the rates and terms in effect at this time
  4. Complete and deliver all the work by the Delivery Deadline to the following addresses: and 
  5. Undertake all contracted steps thoroughly, including a rigorous and scrupulous self-revision
  6. Avoid the use of machine translation technology or some form of artificial intelligence unless expressly requested by INVISIBLE
  7. Implement one round of corrections or revisions, if necessary, at no additional fee
  8. Receive advance approval—and another purchase order—for any additional work or charges outside the scope of the initial purchase order
  9. Submit your invoice to no later than 30 days following project completion

Both INVISIBLE and its clients shall each have the right to cancel any P.O. at any time, without any prior notice to you. In the event of such cancellation, you will be paid only for the services actually performed prior to the time of cancellation. Such services shall be calculated according to work completed in satisfactory form required of your task, provided whatever has been completed is received by us within fifteen (15) minutes of cancellation. We shall pay for the services provided by you based on rates and calculations agreed upon in the P.O. To this end, we require your tax numbers or social insurance number.

All payments are issued based on the assumption that the services provided to us have been completed to our and our client’s full satisfaction. You are expected to proofread and review your own work against the source text before delivery. Therefore, payment is contingent on adherence to these requirements.

You also covenant and agree that you shall not directly or indirectly disclose to any other person, firm or corporation, or use for your own purposes, any such confidential information pertaining to our business affairs or the business affairs of our clients. You shall not solicit orders for services from any of our clients either for yourself or for anyone else, including our competitors.

The parties acknowledge and agree that INVISIBLE has retained your services as an independent contractor, solely for the purpose of performing and providing the services to us specified in our ICA and in any P.O. you accept. You shall not be deemed to be an employee, servant, agent or representative of ours for any purpose whatsoever unless an employment agreement has been executed.

You hereby release and forever discharge our company, divisions, affiliates, associated corporations, partnerships, directors, officers, agents, shareholders and employees from any and all manners of action, causes of action, suits, claims and demands whatsoever, for damages, loss or injury of any kind whatsoever, howsoever arising, which may hereafter be sustained by you in consequence of your performance of or failure to perform any P.O. you agree to perform.



Calgary: 403-775-1599
Edmonton: 780-851-1538
Montreal: 514-447-3382
Ottawa: 613-366-2010
Quebec City: 418-478-1859
Sherbrooke: 819-200-3113
Toronto: 647-367-2246
Vancouver: 604-262-8769
Winnipeg: 204-480-0065

United States

Chicago: 312-584-0090
Los Angeles: 310-807-5448
New York: 718-691-3437
Washington: 202-742-3555

Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ET)

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